Category Archives: Uncategorized

green to teal


{left to right, top to bottom: tom dixon glass pendant {via design crush}, amelia corsage, dvf flip flops, kate spade glass studs, jeweled urchin knob from anthropologie, glassy baby, and marais espadrilles.}

{left to right, top to bottom: } Umbrella Prints heart fabric, Jennifer Berges hair pin, Electric Eccentricity Jewellry rose ring, Twila’s vintage clothing teal shoes, Belinda Graham decorated rooms!

My town San Miguel de Allende

This is San Miguel, my town, I will forever be inlove with it. Small, yet growing. Beautiful and like no other. I miss it like crazy when I am gone and when I stay to long I want to leave. Attracting travelers from far and wide. Patrimonio ala Humanidad by UNESCO, it holds a strong position in my heart. As a kid it was amazing, you can walk everywhere, and run and climb everywhere. Great community place. I have learned so much from it and love to share it with many. How could I not post something about my town……I am sure I will keep talking about it…but for a start check out our colonial church, known as La Parroquia, gothic barroque arquitechture designed by Zefreino Guitierez who saw a postcard of a church in Cohln, Germany and a church in Barcelona…copied it and wa’la!